Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What is your emergency?

Max likes to play with the phones. Today, while at the library lap-sit story time, I let him play with my cell phone (keypad locked) to keep him quiet through a rather dull book. Just as the librarian (who doesn't like us to begin with, but that's another story) was moving on to "Is Your Mamma a Lama?", I heard coming from my phone "Longmont 911, what is your emergency?"

Startled, I quickly grabbed the phone and hung up. As you would expect, the 911 operator called back immediately: "This cell phone just called 911, is there an emergency?" So, disrupting story time and drawing the librarian's very librarian-y disapproving look, I said I was very sorry for the call, "there is no emergency here other than having a one-year-old," and again, sorry, sorry, sorry!

The other moms laughed (not so much the librarian), then I got a talking to by the 911 operator about letting children play with phones. Apparently, there is a security feature on cell phones that if you press the "call" key long enough, even if the keypad is locked, the phone dials 911. Um, good to know.

I think we'll skip story time for a while. One more incident and we'll get banned for life...or maybe just until Max is in kindergarten.


Anonymous said...

Funny.... but also very interesting. I am going to check into this claim @ work. I haven't heard about it.

Anonymous said...

yeah god father.. .max's mom almost was behind bars

-Daddy H

The Boss

The Boss