I'm a mom, wife, freelance writer, former magazine editor, drinker of red wine and eater of BBQ potato chips. I love to read books, see my babies smile at me, spend time outdoors, be peaceful, be kind, laugh with my husband, and enjoy time with friends and family.
Leah, a little difficult to read. Be careful you are not violating copy right laws. Since you left this one wide open, toss a few recent findings out:
I just heard a good one last night. The "Fort Dix Six" were most illegal aliens when they were plotting terror attacks on the US base. I guess the amnesty people were right. The Illegals will do Jobs that Americans won't do. :-)
What about William Jefferson. WAPO reports: "Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), a veteran caucus member, said it would be "as supportive of our colleague as possible, in terms of saying a person in America is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty". Ouch, they need to throw him over board.
Dennis Kucinich during the New Hampshire Debates: "[He] wouldn’t “assassinate” bin Laden" given the chance to do so.
NY Times buries JFK Plot on page 30. I guess it wasn't significant in their eyes.
Hillary Clinton at a speech on Thursday to supporters: "It's time to replace American society" She wants to replace the "on your own" society, which is the George Bush model, with her new model, "we're all in it together" society. I wonder what that means? I didn't know society needs replacing.
You can make sound-bite quotes mean anything. It is called Spin Doctoring.
If you want to start that silly pundit game of twisting a few out of context words into baseless arguements (logic class calls that Red Herring), your president has provided myriad stupid remarks (and some even in foreign languages) from which to draw. If you want to open that can of worms, I could post for DAYS with unadulterated joy.
Then, after we beat that dead horse, I could move on to various quotes from other Republican stars such as Trent Lott, Tom DeLay, the erstwhile child-protector/homosexual pedophile Mark Foley...and so many others. Seriously, it would be fun for me.
So, if you want to Spin Doctor with quote snippets as a way to prove your point(s), instead of using real information and evidence, bring it on my friend. You can only lose ground.
"I'm honored to be here with the eternal general of the United States, mi amigo Alberto Gonzales." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2007
"Information is moving -- you know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007
"The question is, who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear -- I'm a commander guy." --George W. Bush, who apparently is no longer "The Decider," Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007
Fort Dix was a joke, I simply thought it was funny. Its a fact, 3 were illegal and had 70+ traffic violations prior to their terror arrest. No quotes out of context there.
I agree on Mark Foley. The GOP threw him overboard quickly. Delay immediately resigned on indictment and would have been expelled anyway based on a GOP rule. By the way, charges were dropped. Why won't the dems do the same with Jefferson, I don't think his charges are getting dropped. That was my real point, the quote was meaningless. The fact is, he is still a congressman when he shouldn't be. The CBC wants to keep him on.
Kucinich wasn't a out of context quote. That was his pretty much his answer.
NY Times, JFK Plot on Page 30. Is not an out of context quote, Its a fact. The "Significant Comment" was my editorial / observation.
I can link you to Hillary's full speech, or grab the transcript. But she makes no bones about the fact that she wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. You and I are, or will soon, both be considered rich at some point (200K per year). Especially when you become a small business owner. She wants to limit CEO pay (I want to be a CEO someday) and install corporate windfall profit taxes. No out of context quotes, just facts.
Now, here is what is disturbing to me. While Clinton was president, whom I voted for twice by the way and (and Gore), I considered him my president. I didn't like 43 for about two years, but he was still my POTUS. You should also consider 43 your POTUS.
I never made the claim that 43 is the best communicator, I agree, you can grab silly quotes all day long and wipe the floor with me. That's not what I was trying to do. I wasn't trying to make anyone sound stupid, just share opinions and actions I think are silly.
Instead of arguing my points, you came back with your own quotes as you thought I did. So I guess Jefferson should stay on
Anybody see the picture of Senator Ted "Pancho" Kennedy" with the leader of La Raza (The Race). WOW. Joe's Editorial: That's the equivelant of a GOP senator posing for a pic with a Grand Wizard (not to be confused with a grand poobaah from the flinstones). http://apnews.myway.com/article/20070605/D8PIQ3A80.html
If LA has another child, she should name him Mohammed. Apparently that's the #2 most popular name in the UK. http://timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1890354.ece
How about the RAF (Royal Air Force in the UK) banning jet fighter pilots from painting "Nose Art" on their fighters and other aircraft to not offend and muslims. Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=460054&in_page_id=1770 WOW! The article said there were no complaints. Chances the mulsims that may have seen the art, call me crazy, might have been on the receiving end of the "ordinance". That may explain why no complaints were actually logged, because the offense was short lived.
Wow!!! Thank you Leah!! That will be printed and framed on my frig. Right next to the pic of Max.
This is the beginning of the process. Once you say "you got me" once, there is no turning back. Your date nights with Daddy Prime will be at GOP rally's before you know it. :-)
Also, note I saved the good stuff for your blog. I have no Idea what to put on Ladawn's blog yet. I have to wait for an open post so I am not tying this stuff to her son's birthday or anything.
I recently posted this on LaDawns blog and got no response. I thought I'd throw it here as well, its a pretty good rant I'd say.
"...I don’t have anything against people who try to conserve energy or do whatever they want. I recycle as well, plastics and papers every Thursday. I shut off lights etc. The difference is, I do it to save money, not because of global warming guilt.
[Man Made] Global warming is not a foregone conclusion, there are just as many scientists who refute it, that actually support it. I hardly call that a fact and a reason to go out and drive a hybrid (which is a net drain on the environment). The average temperature on planet earth has risen a little over 1 degree [in the last hundred years] and this is a crisis? Before 1975, everyone was freaking out that there was global cooling (Time Magazine). What then, pollute more to warm the planet back up? I believe man made global warming is the newest religion, complete with revelations and doomsday prophecies. The religious aim is guilt. Second hand smoke, chopping down trees, fossil fuels and not recycling are all sins. God, in the global warming context, is Al Gore. Our punishment/penance…Higher taxes, bigger government and more restrictions on how you can live your life (Unless you are Indian or Chinese). Where do I sign?
I am all for re-cycling and the environment, as are most people, I recycle myself. I even have Compact Fluorescent Bulbs in my house (I used to work for GE Lighting). The difference, I am not shouting from the roof tops that the world is going to end and I am not going to change my lifestyle.
The other difference is I don’t preach it, I simply practice it. The Hypocrisy of the Global Warming scam is Al Gore. He consumes 4x (didn’t have time to look up the exact figure but that is the minimum) the average home's electricity. He refuses to reduce his own consumption, but we have to reduce ours. His excuse, I buy carbon offsets. That’s an even bigger scam. Al Gore buys carbon credits from a company he owns that only sells carbon offsets to himself. That goes back to my other point of leftist slogans. Who can say they are against the environment? I am not, but the devil is in the details"...
Leah, a little difficult to read. Be careful you are not violating copy right laws. Since you left this one wide open, toss a few recent findings out:
I just heard a good one last night. The "Fort Dix Six" were most illegal aliens when they were plotting terror attacks on the US base. I guess the amnesty people were right. The Illegals will do Jobs that Americans won't do. :-)
What about William Jefferson. WAPO reports:
"Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), a veteran caucus member, said it would be "as supportive of our colleague as possible, in terms of saying a person in America is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty". Ouch, they need to throw him over board.
Dennis Kucinich during the New Hampshire Debates:
"[He] wouldn’t “assassinate” bin Laden" given the chance to do so.
NY Times buries JFK Plot on page 30. I guess it wasn't significant in their eyes.
Hillary Clinton at a speech on Thursday to supporters: "It's time to replace American society" She wants to replace the "on your own" society, which is the George Bush model, with her new model, "we're all in it together" society. I wonder what that means? I didn't know society needs replacing.
You can make sound-bite quotes mean anything. It is called Spin Doctoring.
If you want to start that silly pundit game of twisting a few out of context words into baseless arguements (logic class calls that Red Herring), your president has provided myriad stupid remarks (and some even in foreign languages) from which to draw. If you want to open that can of worms, I could post for DAYS with unadulterated joy.
Then, after we beat that dead horse, I could move on to various quotes from other Republican stars such as Trent Lott, Tom DeLay, the erstwhile child-protector/homosexual pedophile Mark Foley...and so many others. Seriously, it would be fun for me.
So, if you want to Spin Doctor with quote snippets as a way to prove your point(s), instead of using real information and evidence, bring it on my friend. You can only lose ground.
"I'm honored to be here with the eternal general of the United States, mi amigo Alberto Gonzales." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2007
"Information is moving -- you know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007
"The question is, who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear -- I'm a commander guy." --George W. Bush, who apparently is no longer "The Decider," Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007
Fort Dix was a joke, I simply thought it was funny. Its a fact, 3 were illegal and had 70+ traffic violations prior to their terror arrest. No quotes out of context there.
I agree on Mark Foley. The GOP threw him overboard quickly. Delay immediately resigned on indictment and would have been expelled anyway based on a GOP rule. By the way, charges were dropped. Why won't the dems do the same with Jefferson, I don't think his charges are getting dropped. That was my real point, the quote was meaningless. The fact is, he is still a congressman when he shouldn't be. The CBC wants to keep him on.
Kucinich wasn't a out of context quote. That was his pretty much his answer.
NY Times, JFK Plot on Page 30. Is not an out of context quote, Its a fact. The "Significant Comment" was my editorial / observation.
I can link you to Hillary's full speech, or grab the transcript. But she makes no bones about the fact that she wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. You and I are, or will soon, both be considered rich at some point (200K per year). Especially when you become a small business owner. She wants to limit CEO pay (I want to be a CEO someday) and install corporate windfall profit taxes. No out of context quotes, just facts.
Now, here is what is disturbing to me. While Clinton was president, whom I voted for twice by the way and (and Gore), I considered him my president. I didn't like 43 for about two years, but he was still my POTUS. You should also consider 43 your POTUS.
I never made the claim that 43 is the best communicator, I agree, you can grab silly quotes all day long and wipe the floor with me. That's not what I was trying to do. I wasn't trying to make anyone sound stupid, just share opinions and actions I think are silly.
Instead of arguing my points, you came back with your own quotes as you thought I did. So I guess Jefferson should stay on
Anybody see the picture of Senator Ted "Pancho" Kennedy" with the leader of La Raza (The Race). WOW. Joe's Editorial: That's the equivelant of a GOP senator posing for a pic with a Grand Wizard (not to be confused with a grand poobaah from the flinstones).
If LA has another child, she should name him Mohammed. Apparently that's the #2 most popular name in the UK.
How about the RAF (Royal Air Force in the UK) banning jet fighter pilots from painting "Nose Art" on their fighters and other aircraft to not offend and muslims.
Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=460054&in_page_id=1770
WOW! The article said there were no complaints. Chances the mulsims that may have seen the art, call me crazy, might have been on the receiving end of the "ordinance". That may explain why no complaints were actually logged, because the offense was short lived.
I guess I am now siting my sources. This be fun!
Looks like the links didn't go through. Here they are again. I want to visit Londonistan before it actually becomes Londonistan.
Fighter Jets: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/
Pancho Kennedy:
Mohammed Barabas:
Okay, Joe, THAT is pretty funny stuff. You got me.
Wow!!! Thank you Leah!! That will be printed and framed on my frig. Right next to the pic of Max.
This is the beginning of the process. Once you say "you got me" once, there is no turning back. Your date nights with Daddy Prime will be at GOP rally's before you know it. :-)
Also, note I saved the good stuff for your blog. I have no Idea what to put on Ladawn's blog yet. I have to wait for an open post so I am not tying this stuff to her son's birthday or anything.
I recently posted this on LaDawns blog and got no response. I thought I'd throw it here as well, its a pretty good rant I'd say.
"...I don’t have anything against people who try to conserve energy or do whatever they want. I recycle as well, plastics and papers every Thursday. I shut off lights etc. The difference is, I do it to save money, not because of global warming guilt.
[Man Made] Global warming is not a foregone conclusion, there are just as many scientists who refute it, that actually support it. I hardly call that a fact and a reason to go out and drive a hybrid (which is a net drain on the environment). The average temperature on planet earth has risen a little over 1 degree [in the last hundred years] and this is a crisis? Before 1975, everyone was freaking out that there was global cooling (Time Magazine). What then, pollute more to warm the planet back up? I believe man made global warming is the newest religion, complete with revelations and doomsday prophecies. The religious aim is guilt. Second hand smoke, chopping down trees, fossil fuels and not recycling are all sins. God, in the global warming context, is Al Gore. Our punishment/penance…Higher taxes, bigger government and more restrictions on how you can live your life (Unless you are Indian or Chinese). Where do I sign?
I am all for re-cycling and the environment, as are most people, I recycle myself. I even have Compact Fluorescent Bulbs in my house (I used to work for GE Lighting). The difference, I am not shouting from the roof tops that the world is going to end and I am not going to change my lifestyle.
The other difference is I don’t preach it, I simply practice it. The Hypocrisy of the Global Warming scam is Al Gore. He consumes 4x (didn’t have time to look up the exact figure but that is the minimum) the average home's electricity. He refuses to reduce his own consumption, but we have to reduce ours. His excuse, I buy carbon offsets. That’s an even bigger scam. Al Gore buys carbon credits from a company he owns that only sells carbon offsets to himself. That goes back to my other point of leftist slogans. Who can say they are against the environment? I am not, but the devil is in the details"...
Not a bad rant.
Strike one!!!!!! You can post something in LADawns blog.. Get no response.. then post it in our blog and see what you get....
-Daddy H.
Your A player rating is in jeopardy...
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