Monday, September 17, 2007

September update

Gosh, I hope in the near future I will be able to post more than just monthly updates. Maybe I will be able to fit in another before October rolls around.

With the new business, our lives have pretty much revolved around Greeley and CBW since July. For shame, but I haven't even found time to be gracious and send thank-you notes to all the friends/family that honored us by giving Max a gift for his 1st birthday. Also, I believe we missed Baby Joey's 1st birthday as well. We suck.... We will try to do better. We do love and think of everyone though.

Max is doing great. He's either running, climbing the furniture, rifling through the kitchen cabinets (containing pots and plastic), ordering us around or sleeping. It is good to be Max.

Any desire for political sparring and controversial discussion-making has been more than beaten out of me by the daily grind of dealing with the antics of employees, customers and partners. The dogs are the easiest, and most pleasant, part of the business by a large margin. Woof, woof.

Having said that, my absolute belief that GWB has his head up his arse is unwaivering. At last count of hands, only 30 percent of Americans disagree with me. I usually can't bear to watch the news or read the paper anymore because the war is so depressing. Worse than Vietnam because this "enemy" isn't even's not the organized communists with an army; it is a bunch of religious whackos running around with guns, swords and explosives. But, all that is analyzed ad-nausem by the media, politicians and pundits. No need to rehash the insanity here. There seems to be no answer to the problem. We will be like the Soviets in Afganistan during the 80s. (Oh yeah, we really ARE like them because we are bogged down in that country as well.) So much to look forward to in the world.

Otherwise, it is turning into a beautiful autumn in Colorado. The leaves are starting to turn, the zuchinis in my garden are enormous and the tomatoes are still going wild. My mom's garden produced so much basil (she planted 10 plants) that she has been able to make several quarts of homemade pesto that she freezes. Last year we enjoyed it throughout the winter and look forward to again this year.

I'm going to Stephanie's book club meeting Thursday evening. I haven't read the book, but will get the Cliff Notes. Mostly, it will be fun to go to the meeting. I haven't done much with friends/family lately. Also, I will be doing Steph's raku pottery class on Sunday. It was SOOO much fun last year.

The Boss

The Boss