Friday, June 22, 2007

A little service please

Recently, my personal credit/debit card expired. Not wanting to assume Chase would send me a new one without prompting, I called a few weeks in advance and requested one. It didn't arrive before the old one expired and I was using cash (who carries cash anymore?) that, because I had no card, I had to get from an actual human teller at the bank. Is Knight Rider back on TV too?

I called two more times, as well as requested one over the Internet and another few weeks went by...nothing. Finally, after an episode of searching for pennies underneath my car seats because I ran out of cash at an inopportune moment, I called and had to be really angry with the person, ranting and raving like a crazy woman ("DON'T YOU PEOPLE WANT MY MONEY?! HELP ME SPEND MONEY NOW OR I WILL TAKE MY SPENDING ELSEWHERE!"), and they FedEx overnighted a new card. Why does it have to get to that point in order to get service?


Anonymous said...

Pretty funny leah. Never had that happen to me. I have a couple of theories as to what happened. You can decide which is more viable:

1. Based on my consumer banking experience and Credit Card Systems knowledge, you calling in advance actually disrupted the process. You would have gotten a card, however, ordering a card with a new expiration date before your current one actually expired is not possible. Had you received it, the Expiration date would have been the old one. The system caught it and rejected it. But it also affected the re-generation of your new expiration date.

2. LA Dawn and Stephanie Called your bank to complain about "American Consumerism" and its affects on third world countries. Having heard the shrill in their screams and voices, your bank decided to start by delaying the shipment of your new card and subsequently opened new branchs in Mogadishu and Caracas.

3. Adrian received your card in the mail and either lost it, destroyed it, gave it to Max or simply didn't want you to have it. He knew the result would be less spending and a nice post on Casa Herrera.

Just theories...


JMarie said...

LOL! Probably #3, followed by the typical "I never saw it/touched it/I don't know what you're talking about/It wasn't me," response from Hubs.

LaDawn said...

I vote for scenario 2. I confess. Sorry to have caused you so much agro but don't you feel better? Doesn't your bank balance feel better? Mogadishu and Caracas thank you!

The Boss

The Boss