Friday, May 11, 2007


Other People's Music. "I know this is whyyyy, this is whyyyy, this is whyyyy...I know this is whyyy...." This is the rap song I'm enjoying while writing this in my second floor office with the window only cracked open. Not part of my music collection, rather it is courtesy of the teenager two houses down and across the street who is in his house with a window open. That is how loud it is. It's the same teenager who asked Santa for one of those really loud mufflers (seems like just taking the regular muffler off would achieve the same affect?) for his low-rider Honda Civic...and Santa -- who obviously didn't refer to his good kid/bad kid list -- got him one. He's been terrorizing the neighborhood with it ever since.

My only solace is knowing he'll be wearing hearing aids by the time he's 40.

Do I sound like an old lady? Oh I will be yelling at neighborhood children for walking on my lawn. LOL!!

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The Boss

The Boss