Saturday, May 19, 2007

Desperate housewives

Steph and I are going out for some no-husbands, no-kids time. At 11 a.m., our tune was upbeat and wild ("Oh yeah, we're soooo going to party! Yeah! Dancing! Drinks! Mayhem!). Now, at 5 p.m., after a full day of kid chasing and husband managing, the tune is more mellow ("Maybe a margarita and some cheese sticks?").


LaDawn said...

Man, I feel like this every day! Enjoy the marg and have one for me....

Anonymous said...

Please note: While the wives were playing (and they really needed a night out)..

Max learned some GOP basics. We learned to drop his level when making a tackle.. and more importantly that the "Da-da-da-da-da" is the most important sound to make

-Daddy Heisman

stephanie said...

Leah....I don't think it is in Max's best interest to have many guys nights. Next, he is going to be watching football naked, drinking beer and smoking cigars.

The Concerned Godmudder

stephanie said...

Thanks for the marg too!

The Boss

The Boss