Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Open-mouth guppy kisses on my face. Dirt between his little toes. Sticky fingers. Wrassling him into a clean diaper and a change of clothes. Waving bye-bye. Together, watching the leafy shadows dance on the grass under the tree. Chubby baby boy legs. His "I'm so tired" sigh, even as he chases a ball down the hallway. Stroking and patting my face while nursing. Maammaaammaaa, daadaaadaaa. Love.


stephanie said...


Anonymous said...

Everyday is Mom's day. Dad's get only one day a year. ;-)

-Daddy Heisman

LaDawn said...

That is sooooo sweet! Wish my children were that small again....maybe I should have another baby. Hmmmmm, nappies. No, maybe I shouldn't!

Anonymous said...

Daddy only gets ONE DAY!!!!

-Daddy H

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The Boss

The Boss