Friday, July 6, 2007


Sorry for the blogging hiatus. Let me catch you all up on the past week at Casa Herrera....

Thursday, June 28 -- Grandma Mary babysat Max while I did some work at CBWG in the afternoon and then attended a Chamber of Commerce "business after hours" event at the Harley Davidson dealership across the street from Camp. I schmoozed with the business folks for a few hours and was home by 7:30 p.m. I walk in to find Grandma Mary and Daddy Junkfood feeding my baby son Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe with all the fixins'. Also, Max went swimming in the backyard that afternoon and apparently consumed a fair amount of pool water.

Friday, June 29, 6 a.m. -- I enter Max's room to find poop ALL OVER his crib, blankets, face, hair, inside his ears, and any other surface the poo could cling to.

The faucet-butt (pardon the graphic visual) diarrhea continued unabated for the next days. Sunday, in a moment of very poor judgement, we decided to risk getting out of the house and went to Red Robin for dinner. Five minutes after we ordered, Max looked at me and uttered a little grunt, then I heard a splash on the floor. I don't think I need to describe here what the next 20 minutes in the restaurant looked or smelled like...let's just say it was worse than the Pachyderm House at the zoo.

We did our best cleaning everything and everybody up and got the heck out of there. We went straight to Urgent Care, where the doctor told us he was basically fine, not dehydrated, looked good, and we just had to wait out whatever was going on.

Miraculously, and I do mean that, the problem stopped in time for the plane ride to Cleveland to visit the Herrera grandparents. Literally, Monday night he was still sick and Tuesday he was not. I honestly believe Adrian's and my guardian angels were at work, because I don't know how we were going to make it through air travel with a sick baby.

Long story short, Daddy Junkfood has learned his lesson and Grandma Mary isn't going to let him chug pool water anymore.

We are here in Cleveland and having many adventures. We'll be back Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Ouchy! Haven't quite had that experience, but it happened to Heather @ Macy's while he she had him in the Bjorn.

I can only imagine the horror in the restaurant. Have fun in c-Town.

Baby Joe consumes pool water when we swim, its un-avoidable, but he has no where near the same reaction. Just a few loud belches, etc. Must be that combined with the KFC.

Glad he's better. We give Baby J. Benadryl for any and all plane rides that certainly helps.

Raj Solanki said...

glad maximus is doing gr8. see u all on sat.

JMarie said...

The pool-water issue was that Max was crawling around on the grass and patio, then getting back in the pool repeatedly. So the water was dirty with who knows what, then drinking it.

LaDawn said...

Germs build good immune systems! He will be stronger for it! Go Max!

The Boss

The Boss