Sunday, July 15, 2007


Max had two birthday parties this in Cleveland and one here at home. Fun, fun, fun, but we are all glad the parties are over until next year. Now mommy has a gazillian thank-you notes to write. The nice thing is they will all be sincere, as so many people were very generous with their gifts, time and sentiments.

Special thanks and love to Auntie Allison and the Cleveland Casa, as well as my mom and Godmudder Stephanie.


LaDawn said...

Brings back fond memories of my children's first year birthday parties!

LaDawn said...

PS Pictures please!

Gram-momster said...

I finally caught up! Too bad the library lady wont read this blog...........reminds me of the cartoon with "Ruthie"! Grammy rules! Not.

Gram-momster said...

I am catching up again....and "BOY" is the boy fast now-a-days. Camp bow-wow has had us all my Max, the man of my dreams. I would run after him any time anywhere.

The Boss

The Boss