Tuesday, January 27, 2009

May 4 mos.

12 lbs 13 oz.
45% length
30% weight
55% head circumference

I hope her genetics don't weigh her down (literally) with time. Poor thing. I'll remind her when she's 30 that she was skinnier than most when she was a baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leah, I didn't know you started posting again? You promised to tell me, about 8 months ago, when you would start back up.
At any rate, welcome back. I miss you. I read everything down the string from Jan 1.

Don't forget about Janell and I at OSM.

At any rate, Welcome Back!

Interesting on the Norm post, I would not expect that from him. I can only guess who responded with the PRN site idea.

Hopefully I am not one of those friends you moved on from. I've changed with you.

Did Adrian mention to you I was in china this week?


The Boss

The Boss