Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Long time, no write

So, it has been a year since Casa Herrera's last post. I had to stop because our lives (mine, in particular) became too frantic for me to find the time, heart or desire to blog about what was going on. With the centerpoint of that anxiety and stress gone (CBW) as of Dec. 12, I can now return to Casa Herrera and write about what is really important to me...my husband, children, friends.

As I sit here, I now find that there is SO MUCH to talk about that I don't know where to start.

Max is 2 1/2 and a very sweet, caring, rambunctious, contrary, energetic, hilarious boy. BOY all over. He can't just walk, he has to run, skip, jump and roll where ever he's going and during whatever he's doing. There is no sitting still. Even now, he is in my room watching "Mine Spirit" (that is, "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimmaron" Disney movie) and I can hear him jumping on the bed.

May Anita is our new little daughter (3 mos. old Dec. 23) and she is an absolute joy. She is such an easy baby...good natured, only cries when tired or hungry and started sleeping through the night on Dec. 16. Wahooo! She is so beautiful. I can't wait to get to know her like I do my Max and hear her voice, ideas and thoughts.

This morning, Max saw Brian Boitano ice skating on the Today show. He said, "Uncle Jonathan is ice skating Mamma?" I guess he thinks Jonathan looks like a gay gold medalist ice skater. Hmmm.... LOL!

Christmas was wonderful. We had Jonathan, Cody, A. Diane and Rupal/Deetya over for Xmas Eve dinner, then Christmas Day we opened gifts, played with toys and watched movies all day. The day after, we piled in the car and went to Pueblo for sledding and visiting.

May found her fingers Dec. 4.

Max says things like, "I go pee pee in my Maters mommy," which means he peed in his pull-ups that have the Cars character Mater on the front.

Or, with no apparent context to what we're doing or where we might be going, "Orca whales bite me on the fingers and penguins too," then "Mommy never ever ever let orcas bite me."

Or, when Dad comes home from work, "Daddy wearing his monkey suit? He went to work pay monies."

Or, when talking to my mom on the phone, "Grandma Bocka, I come to your house. We feed bocka-bockas, get eggs (eggthss), cats (cathsss), okay? Huh-huh, yep."

For Christmas, he sat on Santa's lap and asked him for rootbeer and applesauce for Christmas. Then he said, "So how is Rudolph? He play reindeer games."

Or, when May is crying, "Mommy! May cryin'! She need milk NOW! Feed her milk NOW!" then he tries to put her pacifier in her mouth and says, "It okay May May, Mommy comin'." He is the sweetest boy ever made. And he's mine.

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