Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Visit from China

My step-dad, who lives in China, is here visiting until Thursday. He has been living in China since September of 1996. He is the manufacturing/sourcing/quality control liaison for Lowe Alpine Systems, makers of rugged outdoor-wear, climbing equipment and backpacks. As such, he travels extensively in Asia, visiting factories, etc.

He always has hours of interesting stories to tell us about life in Asia and his travels. A lot of the stories are such that one would think you'd read about in a newspaper or see on the nightly news, but because of the communist government censorship, the information is prevented from being reported. And if it is reported, God help the poor journalist who dared to think it news fit to print/broadcast. I imagine their newspapers must be similar to National Enquirer and TV news broadcasts like watching E Extra or Entertainment Tonight...because what else is there to talk about if not what is actually going on?

For example, I recently heard another report on NPR about food safety in China. One of the subjects was a Beijing street-side food vendor that was making "bbq pork dumplings" mainly out of cardboard. He would find used cardboard in dumpsters or on the street, chop it up, put it in a vat with some solvents to soften it up and reduce it to a pulpy soup, then he added the bbq spices and a little bit of pork...and voila!..the cheap stuffing for his dumplings. This guy, when pursued by the Chinese journalist, not only admitted his recipe, but showed the journalist how it was done. He has pictures and audio recordings.

I asked my step-dad whether he had heard that story. Indeed, it was the talk of the nation...except not why you would expect. He said the government arrested the journalist for publishing lies. He is still in jail and they will not release him until he swears he made the whole thing up. Everybody believes the story, except the government.

Also, as you may have heard on the news (I did), China recently had some hefty flooding due to torrential rain. Local residents to the flooded area, which is quite massive, report hundreds of people missing and/or dead. The government has censored the information, and is not searching for the missing and/or dead. Sheds a new light on FEMA, don't it?

God bless America.


LaDawn said...

Not sure it is a good idea to compare ourselves to China and say we aren't doing so bad...LOL!

LaDawn said...

Finally worked up the courage to watch Blood Diamond. It was a great film! OK, there was horrendous violence but a great story that needed telling!


stephanie said...

Where are you Leah. Come back, Come back to the blog world.

Anonymous said...

Let me try some oldies but goodies

Leeeeeaaaaaaah!!!! Come out and Playiyah..

Leah, come out come out wherever you are...

Leah, my buddy Michael Vick wants to know if you guys rent animals?

Please, please, please, please please come back... we miss you....The fan base is getting restless. I keep checking for updates and all I see are Chi Com's.

LA's vacation did it for me. I've officially re-arranged my socks @ home and have taken up gardening. Speaking of which: How many french troops does it take to defend Paris...Answer: Don't know, it hasn't happened yet. he he he

Were you mad at my feedback on Camp Greely radio advertisement? You should have included the number?

If you start posting again, I'll convert to socialist, liberal, democratic and islamic causes (Maybe I got a little carried away on that one)...

Come on Girlfriend, throw a dog a bone?

The Boss

The Boss