Friday, April 27, 2007

Coming soon?

Our "coming soon" sign is finally up on the outside of our building and the contractor is busily hammering. I'm told we're to open sometime in June. You are all invited to our grand opening party, etc. Adrian and our partners Steve and Barb have been working night and day (literally) on finalizing our SBA loan, tinkering with the building contract, keeping our budget in line, etc. Our other partner, Deniece, is interviewing potential employees, which has been interesting...last week she talked to someone claiming to be a "dog whisperer." And, I'm focused on the grassroots marketing -- visiting local vets and groomers -- and working with the CBW marketing people on our soft- through grand opening media/pr. Next week I'll start approaching travel agents (we have a cross promotion program for them). It has been a long road, but it seems as though the end is in sight.


LaDawn said...

This sounds lke fun....and a lot of hard work. I'd bring my dog there! Opening a franchise in the UK anytime soon? Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

No worries Leah... Baby Jo had his first trip to the emergency room a couple of weeks ago for a similar incident. We were at swim class when he launched off the changing table and onto the concrete floor. At least you didn't have 15 witnesses to the incident as you wiped your 7 month old's bloody nose.

I'm confused about a couple of things on your post.

1. Somehow I thought your Camp Bow Wow was already opened?
2. Adrian Works? I thought he just managed rental properties?


JMarie said...

Ouch! Somebody said "what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger." So I'm just going to cross my fingers, plan for the worst and hope for the best.

We've been working on CBW for two years now. We had a contractor hired, who was going to complete the build-out by May, then we fired them...and now the new contractor just started and is telling us we'll open by mid-June. It is such a long drama.

Between CBW, Max, me and our rentals, I don't know how Adrian gets his bill-paying job done between it all. I guess he is good at multi-tasking.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Baby Jo falling was embarassing and a tad horrifying. The funny thing was, once he fell and I was cleaning his nose and packing for the ER, practically everyone in the class immediately broke out with how many times they dropped their son/daughter at home. All to make me feel better.

Which is an observation of PC and personal responsibility I wanted to share (This is not political at all, just an observation).

It was clearly my fault, I took my eye off him long enough for him to fall. I accepted responsibility and was upset at myself. Everyone around me, however, would not allow me to do so. They wanted to blame the facility, blame the changing table, someone said thei should have been a sign, etc. I was disgusted. It was everyone's fault but my own.

The instructor on the other hand, thought I was going to file a law suit (which I would never ever do). This was at a swim class for 7-12 month old babies. Pretty sad, know what I mean? I had no intention of blaming someone else for my mistake.

Reminds me of a headline I saw the other day... "SUV kills two people in parking lot". I didn't know SUV's killed, I thought the person driving had something to do with it.

All this and my point is...Does anyone know what Personal Responsibility means anymoe?

Finally, baby Jo knows how to hold his breath and go under water. Pretty cool!

JMarie said...

Yeah, I get ya and I applaud your very existentialist attitude. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who sue over anything these days...either to make an easy buck or because they believe nothing is ever their fault. It all started with the lady who sued McDonald's over the coffee being hot...and winning the case!

Anonymous said...

Joe Joe,

I have officially suspended your GOP card for the week. I am not say sue the place for all the $$$ in the world. But a few bucks that could have funded your god child's private schooling would have been nice. Your privelages will return on Sunday..5/6.

Cheese standing alone
-Daddy Prime.

I am glad to hear little JJ is doing fine.

Anonymous said...

Adrian, I think you are wrong on this one. Tort Reform is a plank on the GOP platform.

Leah and I can agree on something's.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of GOP card, we literally received a card from George (41) and Barbara Bush since we are donors. Don't remember the actual purpose of the card. But thought it was funny.

I gave it to Baby Jo and he loves playing with it. Pretty funny, it has their pic on it and everything.

I know what you are thinking (adrian), give it to Max not the GOP.

The Boss

The Boss