Thursday, March 8, 2007


Max has two little teeth now. Lots of crying involved with this teeth stuff. Also, the prune juice hasn't been working, so Adrian fed him an entire container of baby prunes last night...positive results came out this morning. An all-around success. This is what gets us Herreras going these days...good baby BMs, slobber kisses, playing with blocks. It probably sounds crazy (and miserably boring) to the childless, but, man, this is really the good stuff. What did we do before Max? Nothing important, that's what.


Anonymous said...

Felicitaciones en los dientes

How Cute...

God Father

Anonymous said...

Does no one read spanish on this blog or visit anymore?

Anonymous said...

I am exhausted...

Daddy Prime

stephanie said...

Gotta love a good baby BM!!!

Gram-momster said...

This is also confirmed....I have seen the teeth!

Anonymous said...

Hey Grand-monster,

Can you also confirm the BM?

-Daddy Prime

The Boss

The Boss