Saturday, February 24, 2007

Movie night

Last night we went to the movies for the first time in seven months. Ghost Rider was entertaining, but not the best acting ever seen. Nicolas Cage has had a face lift...but, I've got to hand it to him in the physically fit department. He has abs of steel. Max was up several times last night for no apparent reason, though he is working on pushing out two teeth, so that may have been the issue. My mom started driving again this morning, which is a huge relief to her and us. She seems to have turned a corner with the Vestibular Neuritis (sp?), not because it is necessarily improving but more because she is just sick of it and has decided to get up and get moving. The Herreras are going to do something outside today, as it is warm and pleasant. Max is now eating carrots, pears, applesauce and sweet potatoes...but won't let peas, rice cereal or oat cereal past his lips. Adrian is calling me to lunch (he made burgers), so I'll sign off for today.


Anonymous said...

Where's my burger!!!!!!

Joe_B said...

My first visit to CasaHerrera. Hello Max from Sunny South Florida.

Anonymous said...

We are dorks for having this.. but it keeps leah from yelling at me... ;-)


Joe_B said...

Agreed. Its kind of dorky. By the way, remember that tree I cut down a couple of weeks ago? I replaced it. Leah would be happy to know that. It is smaller than the one I cut down, but easier on my pool and me (not sure about the environment, but that wasn't the goal).

Anonymous said...

Nice... You put up a tree... Thats awesome.... Leah will be pleased.. make sure you hug it at least twice a week... He@!#@!# I have to do with mine... That is what I get marrying a democrat...


LaDawn said...

You married a democrat? Aren't there laws against that?

Anonymous said...

when I married a democrat I considered that pregatory time on earth. I figured if I can knock off the next 50 years in pregatory by doing my penance now.. that would be a solid investment.

The Boss

The Boss