Monday, February 9, 2009

Pray for us!

On our way to the post office this afternoon, we passed a grand and spired church. Max said, "Look mommy, a castle!" I explained that it was not a castle, but rather a pretty church...which led to a talk about what happens in churches (praying) and why people pray (to make wishes that the people we love are happy).

Afterwards, I asked him, "Do you understand what praying means?" He said, "Yes, mommy, it is like going to the potty."

Max is May's favorite person, thing or activity. Hands down. Nothing at all comes even close. When he gets close and puts his face by hers, she reaches out with her little hands and grabs his hair and face while belting out these heavenly screeches, screams and sighs. She only makes those noises for him. When he's around, he is all she wants to look at. It is the sweetest, most innocent and true love I have ever seen.

What a blessing they both are to me. My little living prayers to the world (potty included).

The Boss

The Boss